Showa Monogatari PV
The story revolving around the dramatic story of a Tokyo family in 1964 (Showa 39), the year Tokyo hosted the Summer Olympics.
The movie will open theatrically on January 29, and the TV series will premiere next April.
Director of the movie: Murakami Masahiro ("8-gatsu no Symphony: Shibuya 2002-2003")
Director of the TV series: Kugimiya Hiroshi ("Sugar Bunnies")
Character Design & Animation Director: Yanagino Tatsuo ("First Kiss Monogatari")
Production Studio: Wao World
Matsumoto Yasunori
Fukuen Misato
Takagi Wataru
Tsukada Masaaki
Yoshino Hiroyuki
Kyouda Hisako
Tamagawa Sakiko
Aoki Makoto
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